About Us » Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision


"Learning for Successful Living"
To provide a quality K-12 eduction in a unique rural setting that prepares all students to be active, resilient, life-long learners who develop a strong sense of community and citizenship.


We envision a school that:
  • Has engaged, quality staff and students
  • Has staff and community members that are mutually invested
  • Has meaningful and diverse learning opportunities
  • Ensures relationships, engagement and collaboration are school and community priorities
  • Ensures students are physically active
  • Maintains high academic expectations
  • Promotes strong student leadership and participation
Our graduates will be individuals of character who are:
  • Prepared for post-secondary life
  • Contributing members of their community
  • Capable of taking ownership for their decisions
  • Resilient in the face of challenges
  • Confident in themselves as people and their abilities
  • Living physically active and healthy lifestyles